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The club thrives on the passion, commitment and generosity of its members. Every penny we earn goes right back into making sailing at Lake Jacomo more affordable and accessible to everyone.

This is one of the most important things you can do to help this club. Many of the activities require resources of our club to make your sailing and racing enjoyable. You can also check out the Calendar.

Training and Lessons

Our Learn to Sail program is one of the important activities that need your help. We have two different classes and one "try it out" experience this year.  We need your help to be successful.  We use our boats so what we need is your experience and ability to pass on your love of sailing.  

Sailing Experience - 4 hours Blocks on a few Saturdays through the months of April, May, and June.  We hope to take our students out for an introduction to sailing on our Keel Boats.  We are looking for Keel boat skippers who enjoy sailing and want to pass on that love of sailing to new people - teach the people how to rig the keel boats cast off for a couple of hours take turns at the helm.   

Sailing 101 - This is our traditional  class with 3 sets of class dates over the summer.   Each Class has 4 sessions two Saturday mornings  and two Thursday evenings.    We are looking for on the water trainers to coach students in club boats (Sweet 16's).  Your time as a mentor helps get our students (mostly adult) get in the required "on the water" training.  If you can teach an entire class great but I know we are all busy.  If you can only commit to a day here or there, we need you!

Sailing 202-  A newer program. Sailing practice, more instructor with student on the water time.  Do what you love - SAIL.

Finding ways of training new sailors is vital to continuing Jacomo Sailing Club.  Passing on what we know is the greatest asset we can give to those new to sailing (It's also fun). So if you are willing to give back to the club with your time, use of your boat or both please contact Jody Miner or Savannah Miner 
to find out how to sign up to help train our new sailors! 

Adaptive Sailing

Our philosophy is that everyone should have access to the sport of sailing. We support the development and promotion of sailing for all, regardless of skill level or physical ability. With this program, we hope to assist in meeting the sailing needs of those living with a physical, emotional or cognitive impairment. We help to bring the sport of sailing to people who may not otherwise have the opportunity to experience the freedom and excitement our sport can offer. Check out the calendar to find our next adaptive sail day, which are every other Saturday. Let us know if you would like to volunteer. If you have the time please contact Jim Haddock or Wes Ory.

JSC Adaptive Signup Sheet 

Take Someone Sailing or Racing

We encourage all of our experienced members to volunteer to take someone sailing, no matter what their skill level is.  Past students greatly  benefit when you take them out as crew for casual sailing or even on race days. Also you can take new Boatshare members on a Checkout sail. Help new sailors enjoy the water and learn the finer points of sailing.
Check out the Calendar to find out when our next activity or event is being held. Club Racing days are generally every Sunday and Wednesday evenings. Let us know if you would like to volunteer. If you have the time please contact Jamie Larson and she can help pair you up with the crew matchmaker sheet.


Equipment Maintenance

One of the main stays of our racing and educational programs is the equipment / maintenance committee. They maintain all club equipment and any help you can provide will help improve our sailing experience. Over the past several years we have made major improvements to our equipment via boats and motors.  It is volunteers that make your membership enjoyable. If you have ideas on how to improve our equipment or items that you think would better serve our Race Committee or educational programs please let us know. Also, we now have club boats which will need to be maintained, your time to clean up or make repairs would be of great service to the club. Contact Jackson Granstaff if you are able to help.




The backbone of our racing activities is the Race Committee. We have need volunteers to help put on races each Sunday. We also need volunteers for our special event races and fleet regattas. It is an excellent way to learn about sailing by serving on the RC. We welcome any non-sailing member to participate and no experience or knowledge is necessary.
It's a great way to spend some time on the lake and get a front row seat to watch all the racing action. 
Contact Rear Commodore Bob Asher if you would like to help.

Race Committee Volunteers

JSC needs you to help so we can keep our membership costs in line and affordable. Club members are encouraged to provide twenty (20) hours of support for volunteer work in any capacity. Your contribution through volunteer work in the club is needed now. Every hour you can spend will help JSC provide sailing to all that want it. The benefit to the club and the sailing public is great. Do not shy away from this because of a lack of experience, we can train you in any area where help is needed. So make a little or a lot of time available to those who need your help. 

JSC Expense Reimbursement Options Policy